Karma is funny and sometimes delivering poetic justice to this world.
Here is the story. In 1924, France and Czechoslovakia signed a treaty, promising to protect each other from unprovoked aggression.
Fast forward to 1938. The Sudeten Crisis. Hitler demanded Czechoslovak territory. And instead of standing by their ally, France and Britain arrived with some golden advice “Just give Hitler what he wants — let’s not overcomplicate things with war” And signed Munich Agreement without Czechoslovakia even being invited to the party.
Two years later, during the German invasion of France in 1940, guess what rolled into French territory? It was Karma, riding on Czechoslovakian very efficient PzKw 35(t) tanks.
These tanks, once meant to defend Czechoslovakia, helped defeat France reeeeally fast. The Battle of France lasted for 7 weeks.
Cheers to historical irony! 🥂