Messy workflows => silent burnout

— “What do you do for a living?” I recently asked someone I met, and their answer left me thinking.

— “I work at a hospital with cancer patients.”

— “That must be a stressful job?”

— “Oh yes! Very stressful!…” she replied, then shared something unexpected. “… the patient intake process is chaotic. Every day, I’m buried in paperwork, constantly working overtime and during weekend with no end in sight.”

That was it.

Not a word about how hard it is to interact with seriously ill people, which I expected to hear.

Many people find it easier to handle tough challenges, like talking to cancer patients and their families every day.

But at the end of the day, they go crazy over messy processes.

Just saying, clear processes and transparency are really important for people.

Do messy processes stress you out more than challenging tasks?

PS: Decathlon L&D Hub in the picture.