At Decathlon, we believe that sport can unite people to act and care for the planet. Today, worldwide, we are transforming our business model to impact the negative trend of climate change.
In DECATHLON Česká republika this year, we started essential initiatives such as Second Life and Buy Back led by Tomáš Gall, Oliwia Guziel, Hynek Petřík. We believe products with some use or minor defects (that don’t affect safety or functionality) should get another chance and owner instead of ending up in a landfill and harming the planet.
Now, in the Czech Republic, you can buy online quality Decathlon products with small issues or just damaged packaging, but with significant discounts up to -40%. We want to promote the Second Life service and have an extra discount for the next three days (-10%) on already discounted bikes. Check the link for more info.
Because it’s the right thing to do.