They say you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.
Honestly, I no longer believe that.
Today, we interact more with the internet, social media content and algorithms than with real people.
People today spend only 39 min a day in face-to-face conversation1.
Meanwhile, Americans average 7 h of daily screen time2.
Influence of real people on us is declining.
Let’s not forget that algorithms are much smarter when it comes to impacting someone or holding attention.
We need to accept that we are the product and the average of the content we engage with.
So, take a look at your screen time, browser history, and subscriptions on social media.
The average of what you consume is who you are.
- According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ↩︎
- According to PewResearch, Forbes ↩︎